About Box64Droid

Box64Droid is a project with scripts that automate installing preconfigured rootfs with Box64, Box86, Wine Stable 8.0, DXVK, D8VK on Android. Originally was a fork of Box4Droid with Box64.

⚠️ Can't launch all games in the world in 4K 60 FPS, note it when you are trying launch AAA games.

News about the project publising in the Telegram channel.

How to install Box64Droid?

1. Install Termux and Termux-X11

2. Open Termux and run the Box64Droid install command: curl -o install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ilya114/Box64Droid/main/scripts/install && chmod +x install && ./install

3. After the installation is completed, run box64droid --start. The starting script will start Termux-X11 and show the start menu.

4. To onscreen controls you need use Input Bridge, install 0.1.9 apk, setting up profile in app then just run app in Android and in Wine from start menu.

Box64Droid system requirements

1. Adreno 610+ (Other GPUs are supported by VirGL, but many games might not work)

2. Android 12+ (non-root, VirGL version), Android 10+ (native, root version)

3. 64-bit Android

4. ~4,2GB (for root version), 4,5GB (for non-root version) or ~3,3GB (for VirGL version) worth of free space for the installation to run without problems.

❗ If you want to get more FPS and stability, use the root version (you will need root rights on your device) or native (not stable but same fps as root version).


You can set Box64, Box86 and Wine environment variables in start menu (except VirGL version). There are 3 configuration files: Box64Droid.conf, DXVK_D8VK.conf and DXVK_D8VK_HUD.conf.

These files creating after first Box64Droid run and can be found in the /sdcard/Box64Droid/ folder.

The Box64Droid.conf file is with rootfs, Box86, Box64 and Wine configuration. You can use the Box86 and Box64 environment variables, see all of them here and here. You can add as many variables as you like.

The DXVK_D8VK.conf file is for you to use the environment variables referring to dxvk.

The DXVK_D8VK_HUD.conf file is for you to use the environment variables referring to DXVK_HUD.

Known issues

1. Error when updating Termux packages. Clearing Termux data will help.

2. Android 12+ can kill Termux, you may get [Process completed (signal 9) - press Enter]. To fix it run this command in adb shell from your pc: adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"

3. Winetricks runs a long of time when Proton installed (non-root version).

4. Some issues/instabilities can happen when using Box86 and Box64 in non-root version, so it's not recommended to use non-root version as a debug/testing environment, there are far better options for that.

Applications and scripts which were used in Box64Droid